Dolly Walker stories

Folk drawing

Dolly Walker

Lily Simons born 1910s
When we moved to Flackwell Heath in the 1950s our friends from London would come and visit us. If they arrived unexpectedly on a Sunday we would rush up to Dolly Walker's to buy biscuits. It was the only shop open on Sundays in those days.

Malcolm Ludlow born 1930s
Dolly Walker had a tin hut from an old tramp carriage from Northern Woods. My two brothers were actually born in it up at Northern Woods – it had been on blocks.

Barbara Murfin née Sarney born 1940s
Dolly Walker's was on Heath End Road. She was the tiniest lady you have ever seen but her voice made up for her small stature. Some Sundays while out for a walk, you might just decide to pass by Dolly’s. She had the habit, should she get fed up of your tick not being paid off that your name would appear written in Dolly’s window for all to see.

Sally Scagell born 1950s
We didn't use Dolly Walkers that often because Jack Luttman was a family friend and so we tended to shop at Luttman's but sometimes, when we were passing, we would pop in. It was full of everything you could imagine but Dolly used to frighten me. I'm not sure she was too keen on children. I think she probably had to have eyes in the back of her head with all the children who used to drop in!

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