Chopstick Alley VJ day celebrations, photo courtesy of Beryl Hall |
Malcolm Ludlow b. 1930s
When you go into Chopstick Alley, we always called it that, and you go along there and go down on the left to the old cottages
- that’s what they called Charcoal Bottom. Old Alice Brooker lived down there but she moved to the council houses in Bernards Way.
There weren’t that many in the village then and I used to take a milk round for old George Bryant. And I used to drive the cows
for Stan Smith, down to Sheepridge Lane and up onto Grassy Bank for them to feed and then bring them back.
Monica Sweeney nee Lawrence b. 1930s
There was an old lady who lived there who used to shoo you away, they were quite protective of it.
Chopstick Alley had a very narrow entrance at the far end between the houses.